In today’s world school security is a serious concern. Many educational facilities and child care centers embrace measures meant to prevent unauthorized individuals from direct access and visual contact with children.
While building security is certainly one prevalent area of concern, fencing in playgrounds and outdoor recreation areas can further help protect the children in your care. Here at Slat Depot, we have specialized in high-quality chain link fences with integrated mesh inserts since 1992.
We offer a variety of differently shaped inserts, including ridged slats, tubular slats, M-Slats and our patent pending SoliTube Slat™. They are available in a wide range of attractive colors to help match the visual identity of your school or business.
We create our inserts using a custom extrusion process where highly durable high-density polyethylene is formed into the corresponding shape. The inserts are then woven tightly into the mesh of the chain link fence.
Our Viper Lock Channel™ can also be integrated into the matrix to help lock the bottom of the fence in place.
Once the fence has been installed it will significantly block visual access from the public at large, while also preventing unauthorized individuals from entering the area as well as preventing children from willfully leaving.
If you have a school or other childcare facility in Utah, that needs added protection for an outdoor recreation area, you should call 1-877-FENCE-IT to learn more about the durable chain link fences offered by Slat Depot.